Construction Begins!

With enough money raised to cover the costs outlined in the budget, the first set of materials has been purchased and construction has begun. Local construction bosses, all from Gran Sous, were chosen by the Water Project Committee to begin work on the public latrine and the cement shed that will house the device that produces the chemical that will be used to treat the water.

In order to prepare for the engineer's arrival in early June, community volunteers have started gathering every morning to collect, transport, and put in place all the necessary materials. Some are responsible for collecting and moving rocks. Others carry buckets of water from the source to the location where the treatment shed is being built. Drivers in the community have begun picking up materials while in route between the various towns. There are even several individuals who gather daily to break-up rocks in order to produce enough gravel required by the many components of the project.

With your confirmed support, and the announcement of the engineer's expected arrival date, things in Gran Sous are moving ahead thrillingly.

Three local construction bosses (and residents of Gran Sous), boss Amerit, engineer Rodin, and boss Dimon (from left to right), work on the flooring of the cement shelter that will house the chemical producing, water treatment device.

Local construction worker Odales, mixing cement and sand for the construction of the public latrine (whose foundation can be seen in the background).

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