We Did It....Thank You!!
Every resident of Gran Sous as well as residents of the many other surrounding communities are now collecting and drinking clean, treated water!
With financial support from friends in the United States, technical support from engineers in Ecuador, and an indescribable effort from the people of Haiti, a full-scale water treatment and rehabilitation project was successfully carried out in just about 11 months. While some construction is still left, water-related illnesses should begin decreasing significantly.
With financial support from friends in the United States, technical support from engineers in Ecuador, and an indescribable effort from the people of Haiti, a full-scale water treatment and rehabilitation project was successfully carried out in just about 11 months. While some construction is still left, water-related illnesses should begin decreasing significantly.
Thank you for supporting this incredible process and stay tuned as we move forward. Your long-term involvement will ensure Gran Sous and others continue to accomplish their goals and find the basic needs the have always deserved.
Kids from Gran Sous playing in the water tank as it is being filled for the first time.
A "before" photo of the tank/faucet area.
A more recent photo of the same area.
Children from the community collecting clean, treated water from the newly installed faucets.
Click here to see more recent photos.